Source code for pythainlp.tokenize.nercut

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nercut 0.2

Dictionary-based maximal matching word segmentation, constrained with
Thai Character Cluster (TCC) boundaries, and combining tokens that are
parts of the same named-entity.

Code by Wannaphong Phatthiyaphaibun
from typing import Iterable, List

from pythainlp.tag.named_entity import NER

_thainer = NER(engine="thainer")

[docs]def segment( text: str, taglist: Iterable[str] = [ "ORGANIZATION", "PERSON", "PHONE", "EMAIL", "DATE", "TIME", ], tagger=_thainer, ) -> List[str]: """ Dictionary-based maximal matching word segmentation, constrained with Thai Character Cluster (TCC) boundaries, and combining tokens that are parts of the same named-entity. :param str text: text to be tokenized to words :parm list taglist: a list of named-entity tags to be used :parm class tagger: ner tagger engine :return: list of words, tokenized from the text """ if not isinstance(text, str): return [] tagged_words = tagger.tag(text, pos=False) words = [] combining_word = "" for idx, (curr_word, curr_tag) in enumerate(tagged_words): if curr_tag != "O": tag = curr_tag[2:] else: tag = "O" if curr_tag.startswith("B-") and tag in taglist: combining_word = curr_word elif ( curr_tag.startswith("I-") and combining_word != "" and tag in taglist ): combining_word += curr_word elif curr_tag == "O" and combining_word != "": words.append(combining_word) combining_word = "" words.append(curr_word) else: # if tag is O combining_word = "" words.append(curr_word) if idx + 1 == len(tagged_words): if curr_tag.startswith("B-") and combining_word != "": words.append(combining_word) elif curr_tag.startswith("I-") and combining_word != "": words.append(combining_word) else: pass return words