# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Dictionary-based Thai Word Segmentation
using maximal matching algorithm and Thai Character Cluster (TCC).
The code is based on the notebooks created by Korakot Chaovavanich.
:See Also:
* \
* \
import re
from collections import defaultdict
from heapq import heappop, heappush
from typing import Generator, List
from pythainlp.tokenize import DEFAULT_DICT_TRIE
from .tcc import tcc_pos
from .trie import Trie
# match non-Thai tokens
_PAT_NONTHAI = re.compile(
[-a-zA-Z]+| # Latin characters
\d[\d,\.]*| # number
[ \t]+| # space
\r?\n # newline
# match 2-char Thai tokens
_PAT_THAI_TWOCHARS = re.compile("[ก-ฮ]{,2}$")
# maximum graph size before cutoff
# window size for safe mode
def _bfs_paths_graph(
graph: defaultdict, start: int, goal: int
) -> Generator[List[int], None, None]:
queue = [(start, [start])]
while queue:
(vertex, path) = queue.pop(0)
for pos in graph[vertex]:
if pos == goal:
yield path + [pos]
queue.append((pos, path + [pos]))
def _onecut(text: str, custom_dict: Trie) -> Generator[str, None, None]:
# main data structure:
# - key is begin position (int)
# - value is possible end positions (List[int])
# if key is not found, value is empty list
graph = defaultdict(list)
graph_size = 0 # keep track of graph size, if too big will force cutoff
valid_poss = tcc_pos(text) # breaking positions that are TCC-valid
pos_list = [0] # priority queue of possible breaking positions
end_pos = 0
while pos_list[0] < len(text):
begin_pos = heappop(pos_list)
for word in custom_dict.prefixes(text[begin_pos:]):
end_pos_candidate = begin_pos + len(word)
if end_pos_candidate in valid_poss:
graph_size = graph_size + 1
if end_pos_candidate not in pos_list:
heappush(pos_list, end_pos_candidate)
if graph_size > _MAX_GRAPH_SIZE:
if len(pos_list) == 1: # one candidate, no longer ambiguous
end_pos_candidates = next(
_bfs_paths_graph(graph, end_pos, pos_list[0]))
graph_size = 0
for _pos in end_pos_candidates[1:]:
yield text[end_pos:_pos]
end_pos = _pos
elif len(pos_list) == 0: # no candidate, deal with non-dictionary word
m = _PAT_NONTHAI.match(text[begin_pos:])
if m: # non-Thai token, skip to the end
end_pos = begin_pos + m.end()
else: # Thai token, find minimum skip
for _pos in range(begin_pos + 1, len(text)):
if _pos in valid_poss:
words = [
for word in custom_dict.prefixes(text[_pos:])
if ((_pos + len(word) in valid_poss) and
not _PAT_THAI_TWOCHARS.match(word))
if words: # is a Thai token that longer than 2 chars
end_pos = _pos
# is a non-Thai token
if _PAT_NONTHAI.match(text[_pos:]):
end_pos = _pos
end_pos = len(text)
graph_size = graph_size + 1
yield text[begin_pos:end_pos]
heappush(pos_list, end_pos)
[docs]def segment(
text: str, custom_dict: Trie = DEFAULT_DICT_TRIE, safe_mode: bool = False
) -> List[str]:
Dictionary-based maximal matching word segmentation, constrained with
Thai Character Cluster boundaries.
:param str text: text to be tokenized to words
:param pythainlp.trie.Trie custom_dict: dictionary for tokenization
:param bool safe_mode: True to help avoid long wait for text with long\
and continuous ambiguous breaking points. Long wait may still able\
to occur. Default is False.
:return: list of words, tokenized from the text
if not text or not isinstance(text, str):
return []
if not custom_dict:
custom_dict = DEFAULT_DICT_TRIE
if not safe_mode or len(text) < _TEXT_SCAN_END:
return list(_onecut(text, custom_dict))
# if the text is longer than the limit,
# breaks them into smaller chunks then tokenizes each chunk
text_parts = []
while len(text) >= _TEXT_SCAN_END:
# find possible break positions
cut_pos = _TEXT_SCAN_END
# try to break by space first
space_idx = sample.rfind(" ")
if space_idx >= 0:
cut_pos = space_idx + 1
tokens = list(_onecut(sample, custom_dict))
token_max_idx = 0
for i, token in enumerate(tokens):
token_max_len = 0
if len(token) > token_max_len:
token_max_len = len(token)
token_max_idx = i
# choose the position that covers longest token
cut_pos = _TEXT_SCAN_BEGIN
for i in range(0, token_max_idx):
cut_pos = cut_pos + len(tokens[i])
text = text[cut_pos:]
# append remaining text
if len(text):
# tokenizes each text parts
tokens = []
for text_part in text_parts:
tokens.extend(list(_onecut(text_part, custom_dict)))
return tokens