# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016-2025 PyThaiNLP Project
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from typing import List
import re
from pythainlp.corpus import thai_words
from pythainlp.khavee import KhaveeVerifier
from pythainlp.tokenize import syllable_tokenize
from pythainlp.tokenize import Tokenizer
from pythainlp import thai_consonants, thai_tonemarks
from pythainlp.util import remove_tonemark
kv = KhaveeVerifier()
all_thai_words_dict = None
def rhyme(word: str) -> List[str]:
Find Thai rhyme
:param str word: A Thai word
:return: All list Thai rhyme words
:rtype: List[str]
from pythainlp.util import rhyme
# output: ['กลีบ', 'กีบ', 'ครีบ', ...]
global all_thai_words_dict
list_sumpus = []
if all_thai_words_dict is None:
all_thai_words_dict = [
i for i in list(thai_words()) if len(syllable_tokenize(i)) == 1
for i in all_thai_words_dict:
if kv.is_sumpus(word, i) and i != word:
return sorted(list_sumpus)
thai_vowel = ''.join((
thai_vowel_all = [
("([ก-ฮ])ะ", "\\1อะ"),
("([ก-ฮ])า", "\\1อา"),
("อิ".replace("อ", "([ก-ฮ])"), "อิ".replace("อ", "\\1อ")),
("อี".replace("อ", "([ก-ฮ])"), "อี".replace("อ", "\\1อ")),
("อึ".replace("อ", "([ก-ฮ])", 1), "อึ".replace("อ", "\\1อ", 1)),
("อื".replace("อ", "([ก-ฮ])", 1), "อื".replace("อ", "\\1อ", 1)),
("อุ".replace("อ", "([ก-ฮ])", 1), "อุ".replace("อ", "\\1อ", 1)),
("อู".replace("อ", "([ก-ฮ])", 1), "อู".replace("อ", "\\1อ", 1)),
("เอะ".replace("อ", "([ก-ฮ])", 1), "\\1เอะ"),
("เอ".replace("อ", "([ก-ฮ])", 1), "\\1เอ"),
("แอะ".replace("อ", "([ก-ฮ])", 1), "\\1แอะ"),
("แอ".replace("อ", "([ก-ฮ])", 1), "\\1แอ"),
("เอียะ".replace("อ", "([ก-ฮ])", 1), "\\1เอียะ"),
("เอีย".replace("อ", "([ก-ฮ])", 1), "\\1เอีย"),
("เอือะ".replace("อ", "([ก-ฮ])", 1), "\\1เอือะ"),
("เอือ".replace("อ", "([ก-ฮ])", 1), "\\1เอือ"),
("อัวะ".replace("อ", "([ก-ฮ])", 1), "\\1อัวะ"),
("อัว".replace("อ", "([ก-ฮ])", 1), "\\1อัว"),
("โอะ".replace("อ", "([ก-ฮ])", 1), "\\1โอะ"),
("โอ".replace("อ", "([ก-ฮ])", 1), "\\1โอ"),
("เอาะ".replace("อ", "([ก-ฮ])", 1), "\\1เอาะ"),
("ออ".replace("อ", "([ก-ฮ])", 1), "\\1ออ"),
("เออะ".replace("อ", "([ก-ฮ])", 1), "\\1เออะ"),
("เออ".replace("อ", "([ก-ฮ])", 1), "\\1เออ"),
("อำ".replace("อ", "([ก-ฮ])", 1), "\\1อำ"),
("ใอ".replace("อ", "([ก-ฮ])", 1), "\\1ใอ"),
("ไอ".replace("อ", "([ก-ฮ])", 1), "\\1ไอ"),
("เอา".replace("อ", "([ก-ฮ])", 1), "\\1เอา"),
("อั".replace("อ", "([ก-ฮ])", 1), "\\1อะ"),
thai_vowel_all.sort(key=lambda t: len(t[0]), reverse=True)
def thai_consonant_to_spelling(c: str) -> str:
Thai consonants to spelling
:param str c: A Thai consonant
:return: spelling
:rtype: str
from pythainlp.util import thai_consonant_to_spelling
# output: กอ
if len(c) == 1 and c in thai_consonants:
return c + "อ"
return c
def tone_to_spelling(t: str) -> str:
Thai tonemarks to spelling
:param str t: A Thai tonemarks
:return: spelling
:rtype: str
from pythainlp.util import tone_to_spelling
print(tone_to_spelling("่")) # ไม้เอก
# output: ไม้เอก
if t == "่":
return "ไม้เอก"
elif t == "้":
return "ไม้โท"
elif t == "๊":
return "ไม้ตรี"
elif t == "๋":
return "ไม้จัตวา"
return t
def spelling(word: str) -> List[str]:
Thai word to spelling
This funnction support Thai root word only.
:param str word: A Thai word
:return: spelling
:rtype: List[str]
from pythainlp.util import spelling
# output: ['รอ', 'เอีย', 'นอ', 'เรียน']
# output: ['ฝอ', 'เอา', 'เฝา', 'ไม้โท', 'เฝ้า']
if not word or not isinstance(word, str):
return []
thai_vowel_tokenizer = Tokenizer(
custom_dict=thai_vowel + list(thai_consonants),
word_pre = remove_tonemark(word).replace("็", "")
tone = [tone_to_spelling(i) for i in word if i in thai_tonemarks]
word_output = word_pre
for i, j in thai_vowel_all:
if len(re.findall(i, word_pre, re.U)) > 0:
if "็" in word and i == "เ([ก-ฮ])":
word_output = re.sub(i, "\\1เอะ", word_pre)
word_output = re.sub(i, j, word_pre)
list_word_output = thai_vowel_tokenizer.word_tokenize(word_output)
output = [
i for i in [thai_consonant_to_spelling(i) for i in list_word_output]
if '์' not in i
if word_pre == word:
return output + [word]
elif tone != []:
return output + [word_pre, tone[0], word]
elif "็" in word:
return output + [word]
return output + [word_pre, word]