Source code for pythainlp.util.encoding

# -*- coding_utf-8 -*-
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016-2025 PyThaiNLP Project
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
[docs] def tis620_to_utf8(text: str)->str: """ Convert TIS-620 to UTF-8 :param str text: TIS-620 encoded text :return: UTF-8 encoded text :rtype: str :Example: :: from pythainlp.util import tis620_to_utf8 tis620_to_utf8("¡ÃзÃǧÍصÊÒË¡ÃÃÁ") # output: 'กระทรวงอุตสาหกรรม' """ return text.encode("cp1252", "ignore").decode("tis-620")
[docs] def to_idna(text: str) -> str: """ Encode text with IDNA, as used in Internationalized Domain Name (IDN). :param str text: Thai text :return: IDNA-encoded text :rtype: str :Example: :: from pythainlp.util import to_idna to_idna("คนละครึ่ง.com") # output: '' """ return text.encode("idna").decode("utf-8")