Source code for pythainlp.util.collate

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016-2024 PyThaiNLP Project
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Thai collation (sorted according to Thai dictionary order)
Simple implementation using regular expressions
import re
from typing import Iterable, List

_RE_TONE = re.compile(r"[็-์]")
_RE_LV_C = re.compile(r"([เ-ไ])([ก-ฮ])")

def _thkey(word: str) -> str:
    cv = _RE_TONE.sub("", word)  # remove tone
    cv = _RE_LV_C.sub("\\2\\1", cv)  # switch lead vowel

    tone_match =
    tone = if tone_match else ""
    return cv + tone

[docs]def collate(data: Iterable, reverse: bool = False) -> List[str]: """ This function sorts strings (almost) according to Thai dictionary. Important notes: this implementation ignores tone marks and symbols :param data: a list of words to be sorted :type data: Iterable :param reverse: If `reverse` is set to **True** the result will be sorted in descending order. Otherwise, the result will be sorted in ascending order, defaults to False :type reverse: bool, optional :return: a list of strings, sorted alphabetically, (almost) according to Thai dictionary :rtype: List[str] :Example: :: from pythainlp.util import collate collate(['ไก่', 'เกิด', 'กาล', 'เป็ด', 'หมู', 'วัว', 'วันที่']) # output: ['กาล', 'เกิด', 'ไก่', 'เป็ด', 'วันที่', 'วัว', 'หมู'] collate(['ไก่', 'เกิด', 'กาล', 'เป็ด', 'หมู', 'วัว', 'วันที่'], \\ reverse=True) # output: ['หมู', 'วัว', 'วันที่', 'เป็ด', 'ไก่', 'เกิด', 'กาล'] """ return sorted(data, key=_thkey, reverse=reverse)