Source code for pythainlp.soundex.udom83

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016-2025 PyThaiNLP Project
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Thai soundex - Udom83 system

Original paper:
Wannee Udompanich. String searching for Thai alphabet
using Soundex compression technique. Master Thesis
of Department of Computer Engineering Graduate
School, Chulalongkorn University, 1983.

Python implementation:
by Korakot Chaovavanich
import re

from pythainlp import thai_consonants

_THANTHAKHAT = "\u0e4c"
_RE_1 = re.compile(r"รร([\u0e40-\u0e44])")  # เ-ไ
_RE_2 = re.compile(f"รร([{thai_consonants}][{thai_consonants}\u0e40-\u0e44])")
_RE_3 = re.compile(f"รร([{thai_consonants}][\u0e30-\u0e39\u0e48-\u0e4c])")
_RE_4 = re.compile(r"รร")
_RE_5 = re.compile(f"ไ([{thai_consonants}]ย)")
_RE_6 = re.compile(f"[ไใ]([{thai_consonants}])")
_RE_7 = re.compile(r"\u0e33(ม[\u0e30-\u0e39])")
_RE_8 = re.compile(r"\u0e33ม")
_RE_9 = re.compile(r"\u0e33")  # ำ
_RE_10 = re.compile(
_RE_11 = re.compile(r"[\u0e30-\u0e4c]")

_TRANS1 = str.maketrans(
_TRANS2 = str.maketrans(

[docs] def udom83(text: str) -> str: """ This function converts Thai text into phonetic code with the Thai soundex algorithm named **Udom83** [#udom83]_. :param str text: Thai word :return: Udom83 soundex :rtype: str :Example: :: from pythainlp.soundex import udom83 udom83("ลัก") # output : 'ล100' udom83("รัก") # output: 'ร100' udom83("รักษ์") # output: 'ร100' udom83("บูรณการ") # output: 'บ5515' udom83("ปัจจุบัน") # output: 'ป775300' """ if not text or not isinstance(text, str): return "" text = _RE_1.sub("ัน\\1", text) text = _RE_2.sub("ั\\1", text) text = _RE_3.sub("ัน\\1", text) text = _RE_4.sub("ัน", text) text = _RE_5.sub("\\1", text) text = _RE_6.sub("\\1ย", text) text = _RE_7.sub("ม\\1", text) text = _RE_8.sub("ม", text) text = _RE_9.sub("ม", text) text = _RE_10.sub("", text) text = _RE_11.sub("", text) if not text: return "" sd = "".join( [text[0].translate(_TRANS1), text[1:].translate(_TRANS2), "000000"] ) return sd[:7]