
Open Source Pipeline

Do you want to do someting about Thai language from Open Source? Here is the guideline about resource for working with Thai language in your open-source AI project!

Smart Speakers

For smart speakers task, you want to do:

Speech-to-text model

You can use openai whisper mdoel or other model that fine-tuning pretrained model to Thai language. If you want to train your model, you can download Thai speech corpus from nlpforthai.com/tasks/speech-recognition/.

Keyword Spotting

Thai language have Gowajee corpus for Thai smart home by “Gowajee” hotword.


You can use Text-to-speech from The Massively Multilingual Speech (MMS) project or use Thai open-source model from nlpforthai.com/tasks/speech-synthesis/.

MeloTTS are working to support Thai. https://github.com/myshell-ai/MeloTTS/issues/120