Source code for pythainlp.wangchanberta.core
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016-2024 PyThaiNLP Project
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from typing import List, Tuple, Union
import re
import warnings
from transformers import (
from pythainlp.tokenize import word_tokenize
_model_name = "wangchanberta-base-att-spm-uncased"
_tokenizer = CamembertTokenizer.from_pretrained(
f"airesearch/{_model_name}", revision="main"
if _model_name == "wangchanberta-base-att-spm-uncased":
_tokenizer.additional_special_tokens = ["<s>NOTUSED", "</s>NOTUSED", "<_>"]
[docs]class ThaiNameTagger:
[docs] def __init__(
self, dataset_name: str = "thainer", grouped_entities: bool = True
This function tags named entities in text in IOB format.
Powered by wangchanberta from VISTEC-depa\
AI Research Institute of Thailand
:param str dataset_name:
* *thainer* - ThaiNER dataset
:param bool grouped_entities: grouped entities
self.dataset_name = dataset_name
self.grouped_entities = grouped_entities
self.classify_tokens = pipeline(
def _IOB(self, tag):
if tag != "O":
return "B-" + tag
return "O"
def _clear_tag(self, tag):
return tag.replace("B-", "").replace("I-", "")
[docs] def get_ner(
self, text: str, pos: bool = False, tag: bool = False
) -> Union[List[Tuple[str, str]], str]:
This function tags named entities in text in IOB format.
Powered by wangchanberta from VISTEC-depa\
AI Research Institute of Thailand
:param str text: text in Thai to be tagged
:param bool tag: output HTML-like tags.
:return: a list of tuples associated with tokenized word groups,\
NER tags, and output HTML-like tags (if the parameter `tag` is \
specified as `True`). \
Otherwise, return a list of tuples associated with tokenized \
words and NER tags
:rtype: Union[list[tuple[str, str]]], str
if pos:
"This model doesn't support output of POS tags and it doesn't output the POS tags."
text = re.sub(" ", "<_>", text)
self.json_ner = self.classify_tokens(text)
self.output = ""
if self.grouped_entities and self.dataset_name == "thainer":
self.sent_ner = [
i["word"].replace("<_>", " ").replace("▁", ""),
for i in self.json_ner
elif self.dataset_name == "thainer":
self.sent_ner = [
(i["word"].replace("<_>", " ").replace("▁", ""), i["entity"])
for i in self.json_ner
if i["word"] != "▁"
self.sent_ner = [
i["word"].replace("<_>", " ").replace("▁", ""),
i["entity"].replace("_", "-").replace("E-", "I-"),
for i in self.json_ner
if self.sent_ner[0][0] == "" and len(self.sent_ner) > 1:
self.sent_ner = self.sent_ner[1:]
for idx, (word, ner) in enumerate(self.sent_ner):
if idx > 0 and ner.startswith("B-"):
if self._clear_tag(ner) == self._clear_tag(
self.sent_ner[idx - 1][1]
self.sent_ner[idx] = (word, ner.replace("B-", "I-"))
if tag:
temp = ""
sent = ""
for idx, (word, ner) in enumerate(self.sent_ner):
if ner.startswith("B-") and temp != "":
sent += "</" + temp + ">"
temp = ner[2:]
sent += "<" + temp + ">"
elif ner.startswith("B-"):
temp = ner[2:]
sent += "<" + temp + ">"
elif ner == "O" and temp != "":
sent += "</" + temp + ">"
temp = ""
sent += word
if idx == len(self.sent_ner) - 1 and temp != "":
sent += "</" + temp + ">"
return sent
return self.sent_ner
[docs]class NamedEntityRecognition:
[docs] def __init__(
self, model: str = "pythainlp/thainer-corpus-v2-base-model"
) -> None:
This function tags named entities in text in IOB format.
Powered by wangchanberta from VISTEC-depa\
AI Research Institute of Thailand
:param str model: The model that use wangchanberta pretrained.
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
from transformers import AutoModelForTokenClassification
self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model)
self.model = AutoModelForTokenClassification.from_pretrained(model)
def _fix_span_error(self, words, ner):
_ner = []
_ner = ner
_new_tag = []
for i, j in zip(words, _ner):
i = self.tokenizer.decode(i)
if i.isspace() and j.startswith("B-"):
j = "O"
if i in ("", "<s>", "</s>"):
if i == "<_>":
i = " "
_new_tag.append((i, j))
return _new_tag
[docs] def get_ner(
self, text: str, pos: bool = False, tag: bool = False
) -> Union[List[Tuple[str, str]], str]:
This function tags named entities in text in IOB format.
Powered by wangchanberta from VISTEC-depa\
AI Research Institute of Thailand
:param str text: text in Thai to be tagged
:param bool tag: output HTML-like tags.
:return: a list of tuples associated with tokenized word groups, NER tags, \
and output HTML-like tags (if the parameter `tag` is \
specified as `True`). \
Otherwise, return a list of tuples associated with tokenized \
words and NER tags
:rtype: Union[list[tuple[str, str]]], str
import torch
if pos:
"This model doesn't support output postag and It doesn't output the postag."
words_token = word_tokenize(text.replace(" ", "<_>"))
inputs = self.tokenizer(
words_token, is_split_into_words=True, return_tensors="pt"
ids = inputs["input_ids"]
mask = inputs["attention_mask"]
# forward pass
outputs = self.model(ids, attention_mask=mask)
logits = outputs[0]
predictions = torch.argmax(logits, dim=2)
predicted_token_class = [
self.model.config.id2label[t.item()] for t in predictions[0]
ner_tag = self._fix_span_error(
inputs["input_ids"][0], predicted_token_class
if tag:
temp = ""
sent = ""
for idx, (word, ner) in enumerate(ner_tag):
if ner.startswith("B-") and temp != "":
sent += "</" + temp + ">"
temp = ner[2:]
sent += "<" + temp + ">"
elif ner.startswith("B-"):
temp = ner[2:]
sent += "<" + temp + ">"
elif ner == "O" and temp != "":
sent += "</" + temp + ">"
temp = ""
sent += word
if idx == len(ner_tag) - 1 and temp != "":
sent += "</" + temp + ">"
return sent
return ner_tag
[docs]def segment(text: str) -> List[str]:
Subword tokenize. SentencePiece from wangchanberta model.
:param str text: text to be tokenized
:return: list of subwords
:rtype: list[str]
if not text or not isinstance(text, str):
return []
return _tokenizer.tokenize(text)