Source code for pythainlp.corpus.conceptnet

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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016-2024 PyThaiNLP Project
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Get data from ConceptNet API at
import requests

[docs]def edges(word: str, lang: str = "th"): """ Get edges from `ConceptNet <>`_ API. ConceptNet is a public semantic network, designed to help computers understand the meanings of words that people use. For example, the term "ConceptNet" is a "knowledge graph", and "knowledge graph" has "common sense knowledge" which is a part of "artificial intelligence". Also, "ConcepNet" is used for "natural language understanding" which is a part of "artificial intelligence". | "ConceptNet" --is a--> "knowledge graph" --has--> "common sense"\ --a part of--> "artificial intelligence" | "ConceptNet" --used for--> "natural language understanding"\ --a part of--> "artificial intelligence" With this illustration, it shows relationships (represented as *Edge*) between the terms (represented as *Node*) :param str word: word to be sent to ConceptNet API :param str lang: abbreviation of language (i.e. *th* for Thai, *en* for English, or *ja* for Japan). By default, it is *th* (Thai). :return: return edges of the given word according to the ConceptNet network. :rtype: list[dict] :Example: :: from pythainlp.corpus.conceptnet import edges edges('hello', lang='en') # output: # [{ # '@id': '/a/[/r/IsA/,/c/en/hello/,/c/en/greeting/]', # '@type': 'Edge', # 'dataset': '/d/conceptnet/4/en', # 'end': {'@id': '/c/en/greeting', # '@type': 'Node', # 'label': 'greeting', # 'language': 'en', # 'term': '/c/en/greeting'}, # 'license': 'cc:by/4.0', # 'rel': {'@id': '/r/IsA', '@type': 'Relation', 'label': 'IsA'}, # 'sources': [ # { # '@id': '/and/[/s/activity/omcs/vote/,/s/contributor/omcs/bmsacr/]', # '@type': 'Source', # 'activity': '/s/activity/omcs/vote', # 'contributor': '/s/contributor/omcs/bmsacr' # }, # { # '@id': '/and/[/s/activity/omcs/vote/,/s/contributor/omcs/test/]', # '@type': 'Source', # 'activity': '/s/activity/omcs/vote', # 'contributor': '/s/contributor/omcs/test'} # ], # 'start': {'@id': '/c/en/hello', # '@type': 'Node', # 'label': 'Hello', # 'language': 'en', # 'term': '/c/en/hello'}, # 'surfaceText': '[[Hello]] is a kind of [[greeting]]', # 'weight': 3.4641016151377544 # }, ...] edges('สวัสดี', lang='th') # output: # [{ # '@id': '/a/[/r/RelatedTo/,/c/th/สวัสดี/n/,/c/en/prosperity/]', # '@type': 'Edge', # 'dataset': '/d/wiktionary/en', # 'end': {'@id': '/c/en/prosperity', # '@type': 'Node', # 'label': 'prosperity', # 'language': 'en', # 'term': '/c/en/prosperity'}, # 'license': 'cc:by-sa/4.0', # 'rel': { # '@id': '/r/RelatedTo', '@type': 'Relation', # 'label': 'RelatedTo'}, # 'sources': [{ # '@id': '/and/[/s/process/wikiparsec/2/,/s/resource/wiktionary/en/]', # '@type': 'Source', # 'contributor': '/s/resource/wiktionary/en', # 'process': '/s/process/wikiparsec/2'}], # 'start': {'@id': '/c/th/สวัสดี/n', # '@type': 'Node', # 'label': 'สวัสดี', # 'language': 'th', # 'sense_label': 'n', # 'term': '/c/th/สวัสดี'}, # 'surfaceText': None, # 'weight': 1.0 # }, ...] """ obj = requests.get(f"{lang}/{word}").json() return obj["edges"]