# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Dictionary-based maximal matching word segmentation, constrained with
Thai Character Cluster (TCC) boundaries.
The code is based on the notebooks created by Korakot Chaovavanich,
with heuristic graph size limit added to avoid exponential wait time.
:See Also:
* \
* \
import re
from collections import defaultdict
from heapq import heappop, heappush
from typing import Generator, List
from pythainlp.tokenize import DEFAULT_WORD_DICT_TRIE
from pythainlp.util import Trie
from pythainlp.tokenize.tcc import tcc_pos
# match non-Thai tokens
_PAT_NONTHAI = re.compile(
[-a-zA-Z]+| # Latin characters
\d[\d,\.]*| # number
[ \t]+| # space
\r?\n # newline
# match 2-consonant Thai tokens
_PAT_THAI_TWOCHARS = re.compile("[ก-ฮ]{,2}$")
# maximum graph size before cutoff
# window size for safe mode
def _bfs_paths_graph(
graph: defaultdict, start: int, goal: int
) -> Generator[List[int], None, None]:
queue = [(start, [start])]
while queue:
(vertex, path) = queue.pop(0)
for pos in graph[vertex]:
if pos == goal:
yield path + [pos]
queue.append((pos, path + [pos]))
def _onecut(text: str, custom_dict: Trie) -> Generator[str, None, None]:
# main data structure:
# - key is begin position (int)
# - value is possible end positions (List[int])
# if key is not found, value is empty list
graph = defaultdict(list)
graph_size = 0 # keep track of graph size, if too big will force cutoff
valid_poss = tcc_pos(text) # breaking positions that are TCC-valid
len_text = len(text)
pos_list = [0] # priority queue of possible breaking positions
end_pos = 0
while pos_list[0] < len_text:
begin_pos = heappop(pos_list)
for word in custom_dict.prefixes(text[begin_pos:]):
end_pos_candidate = begin_pos + len(word)
if end_pos_candidate in valid_poss:
graph_size = graph_size + 1
if end_pos_candidate not in pos_list:
heappush(pos_list, end_pos_candidate)
if graph_size > _MAX_GRAPH_SIZE:
len_pos_list = len(pos_list)
if len_pos_list == 1: # one candidate, no longer ambiguous
end_pos_candidates = next(
_bfs_paths_graph(graph, end_pos, pos_list[0])
graph_size = 0
for pos in end_pos_candidates[1:]:
yield text[end_pos:pos]
end_pos = pos
elif len_pos_list == 0: # no candidate, deal with non-dictionary word
m = _PAT_NONTHAI.match(text[begin_pos:])
if m: # non-Thai token, skip to the end
end_pos = begin_pos + m.end()
else: # Thai token, find minimum skip
for pos in range(begin_pos + 1, len_text):
if pos in valid_poss:
prefix = text[pos:]
words = [
for word in custom_dict.prefixes(prefix)
if (
(pos + len(word) in valid_poss)
and not _PAT_THAI_TWOCHARS.match(word)
if words: # is a Thai token that longer than 2 chars
end_pos = pos
# is a non-Thai token
if _PAT_NONTHAI.match(prefix):
end_pos = pos
end_pos = len_text
graph_size = graph_size + 1
yield text[begin_pos:end_pos]
heappush(pos_list, end_pos)
[docs]def segment(
text: str,
custom_dict: Trie = DEFAULT_WORD_DICT_TRIE,
safe_mode: bool = False,
) -> List[str]:
Dictionary-based maximal matching word segmentation, constrained with
Thai Character Cluster boundaries.
:param str text: text to be tokenized to words
:param pythainlp.util.Trie custom_dict: dictionary for tokenization
:param bool safe_mode: True to help avoid long wait for text with long\
and continuous ambiguous breaking points. Long wait may still able\
to occur. Default is False.
:return: list of words, tokenized from the text
if not text or not isinstance(text, str):
return []
if not custom_dict:
if not safe_mode or len(text) < _TEXT_SCAN_END:
return list(_onecut(text, custom_dict))
# if the text is longer than the limit,
# breaks them into smaller chunks then tokenizes each chunk
text_parts = []
while len(text) >= _TEXT_SCAN_END:
# find possible break positions
cut_pos = _TEXT_SCAN_END
# try to break by space first
space_idx = sample.rfind(" ")
if space_idx >= 0:
cut_pos = space_idx + 1
tokens = list(_onecut(sample, custom_dict))
token_max_idx = 0
for i, token in enumerate(tokens):
token_max_len = 0
if len(token) > token_max_len:
token_max_len = len(token)
token_max_idx = i
# choose the position that covers longest token
cut_pos = _TEXT_SCAN_BEGIN
for i in range(0, token_max_idx):
cut_pos = cut_pos + len(tokens[i])
text = text[cut_pos:]
# append remaining text
if len(text):
# tokenizes each text parts
tokens = []
for text_part in text_parts:
tokens.extend(list(_onecut(text_part, custom_dict)))
return tokens