Source code for pythainlp.tokenize

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Thai tokenizers
import re
import sys
from typing import Iterable, List, Union

from pythainlp.corpus import get_corpus, thai_syllables, thai_words

from marisa_trie import Trie

DEFAULT_DICT_TRIE = Trie(thai_words())
FROZEN_DICT_TRIE = Trie(get_corpus("words_th_frozen_201810.txt"))

[docs]def word_tokenize( text: str, custom_dict: Trie = None, engine: str = "newmm", keep_whitespace: bool = True, ) -> List[str]: """ :param str text: text to be tokenized :param str engine: tokenizer to be used :param dict custom_dict: a dictionary trie :param bool keep_whitespace: True to keep whitespaces, a common mark for end of phrase in Thai :return: list of words **Options for engine** * newmm (default) - dictionary-based, Maximum Matching + Thai Character Cluster * longest - dictionary-based, Longest Matching * deepcut - wrapper for deepcut, language-model-based * icu - wrapper for ICU (International Components for Unicode, using PyICU), dictionary-based * ulmfit - for thai2fit * a custom_dict can be provided for newmm, longest, and deepcut **Example** >>> from pythainlp.tokenize import word_tokenize >>> text = "โอเคบ่พวกเรารักภาษาบ้านเกิด" >>> word_tokenize(text, engine="newmm") ['โอเค', 'บ่', 'พวกเรา', 'รัก', 'ภาษา', 'บ้านเกิด'] >>> word_tokenize(text, engine="icu") ['โอ', 'เค', 'บ่', 'พวก', 'เรา', 'รัก', 'ภาษา', 'บ้าน', 'เกิด'] """ if not text or not isinstance(text, str): return [] segments = [] if engine == "newmm" or engine == "onecut": from .newmm import segment segments = segment(text, custom_dict) elif engine == "longest": from .longest import segment segments = segment(text, custom_dict) elif engine == "mm" or engine == "multi_cut": from .multi_cut import segment segments = segment(text, custom_dict) elif engine == "deepcut": # deepcut can optionally use dictionary from .deepcut import segment if custom_dict: custom_dict = list(custom_dict) segments = segment(text, custom_dict) else: segments = segment(text) elif engine == "ulmfit": # ulmfit has its own specific dictionary from .newmm import segment segments = segment(text, custom_dict=FROZEN_DICT_TRIE) elif engine == "icu": from .pyicu import segment segments = segment(text) else: # default, use "newmm" engine from .newmm import segment segments = segment(text, custom_dict) if not keep_whitespace: segments = [token.strip(" ") for token in segments if token.strip(" ")] return segments
def dict_word_tokenize( text: str, custom_dict: Trie = DEFAULT_DICT_TRIE, engine: str = "newmm", keep_whitespace: bool = True, ) -> List[str]: """ :meth: DEPRECATED: Please use `word_tokenize()` with a `custom_dict` argument instead :param str text: text to be tokenized :param dict custom_dict: a dictionary trie, or an iterable of words, or a string of dictionary path :param str engine: choose between different options of engine to token (newmm [default], mm, longest, and deepcut) :param bool keep_whitespace: True to keep whitespaces, a common mark for end of phrase in Thai :return: list of words """ print( "Deprecated. Use word_tokenize() with a custom_dict argument instead.", file=sys.stderr, ) return word_tokenize( text=text, custom_dict=custom_dict, engine=engine, keep_whitespace=keep_whitespace, )
[docs]def sent_tokenize(text: str, engine: str = "whitespace+newline") -> List[str]: """ This function does not yet automatically recognize when a sentence actually ends. Rather it helps split text where white space and a new line is found. :param str text: the text to be tokenized :param str engine: choose between 'whitespace' or 'whitespace+newline' :return: list of sentences """ if not text or not isinstance(text, str): return [] sentences = [] if engine == "whitespace": sentences = re.split(r" +", text, re.U) else: # default, use whitespace + newline sentences = text.split() return sentences
[docs]def subword_tokenize(text: str, engine: str = "tcc") -> List[str]: """ :param str text: text to be tokenized :param str engine: subword tokenizer :return: list of subwords **Options for engine** * tcc (default) - Thai Character Cluster (Theeramunkong et al. 2000) * etcc - Enhanced Thai Character Cluster (Inrut et al. 2001) [In development] """ if not text or not isinstance(text, str): return [] if engine == "etcc": from .etcc import segment else: # default from .tcc import segment return segment(text)
[docs]def syllable_tokenize(text: str) -> List[str]: """ :param str text: input string to be tokenized :return: list of syllables """ if not text or not isinstance(text, str): return [] tokens = [] if text: words = word_tokenize(text) trie = dict_trie(dict_source=thai_syllables()) for word in words: tokens.extend(word_tokenize(text=word, custom_dict=trie)) return tokens
[docs]def dict_trie(dict_source: Union[str, Iterable[str], Trie]) -> Trie: """ Create a dict trie which will be used for word_tokenize() function. For more information on the trie data structure, see: :param string/list dict_source: a list of vocaburaries or a path to source file :return: a trie created from a dictionary input """ trie = None if isinstance(dict_source, Trie): trie = dict_source elif isinstance(dict_source, str): # Receive a file path of the dict to read with open(dict_source, "r", encoding="utf8") as f: _vocabs = trie = Trie(_vocabs) elif isinstance(dict_source, Iterable): # Note: Trie and str are both Iterable, Iterable check should be here # Received a sequence type object of vocabs trie = Trie(dict_source) else: raise TypeError( "Type of dict_source must be marisa_trie.Trie, or Iterable[str], or str (path to source file)" ) return trie
[docs]class Tokenizer: def __init__( self, custom_dict: Union[Trie, Iterable[str], str] = None, engine: str = "newmm" ): """ Initialize tokenizer object :param str custom_dict: a file path or a list of vocaburaies to be used to create a trie :param str engine: choose between different options of engine to token (newmm, mm, longest) """ self.__trie_dict = None self.__engine = engine if custom_dict: self.__trie_dict = dict_trie(custom_dict) else: self.__trie_dict = DEFAULT_DICT_TRIE
[docs] def word_tokenize(self, text: str) -> List[str]: """ :param str text: text to be tokenized :return: list of words, tokenized from the text """ return word_tokenize(text, custom_dict=self.__trie_dict, engine=self.__engine)
[docs] def set_tokenize_engine(self, engine: str) -> None: """ :param str engine: choose between different options of engine to token (newmm, mm, longest) """ self.__engine = engine