# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
import codecs
import re
from pythainlp.corpus.thaisyllable import get_data as syllable_dict
from pythainlp.corpus.thaiword import get_data as word_dict
from six.moves import zip
from marisa_trie import Trie
DEFAULT_DICT_TRIE = Trie(word_dict())
[docs]def word_tokenize(text, engine="newmm", whitespaces=True):
:param str text: the text to be tokenized
:param str engine: the engine to tokenize text
:param bool whitespaces: True to output no whitespace, a common mark of sentence or end of phrase in Thai.
:Parameters for engine:
* newmm - Maximum Matching algorithm + TCC
* icu - IBM ICU
* longest-matching - Longest matching
* mm - Maximum Matching algorithm
* pylexto - LexTo
* deepcut - Deep Neural Network
* wordcutpy - wordcutpy (https://github.com/veer66/wordcutpy)
:return: A list of words, tokenized from a text
from pythainlp.tokenize import word_tokenize
a=word_tokenize(text,engine='icu') # ['ผม', 'รัก', 'คุณ', 'นะ', 'ครับ', 'โอ', 'เค', 'บ่', 'พวก', 'เรา', 'เป็น', 'คน', 'ไทย', 'รัก', 'ภาษา', 'ไทย', 'ภาษา', 'บ้าน', 'เกิด']
b=word_tokenize(text,engine='dict') # ['ผม', 'รัก', 'คุณ', 'นะ', 'ครับ', 'โอเค', 'บ่', 'พวกเรา', 'เป็น', 'คนไทย', 'รัก', 'ภาษาไทย', 'ภาษา', 'บ้านเกิด']
c=word_tokenize(text,engine='mm') # ['ผม', 'รัก', 'คุณ', 'นะ', 'ครับ', 'โอเค', 'บ่', 'พวกเรา', 'เป็น', 'คนไทย', 'รัก', 'ภาษาไทย', 'ภาษา', 'บ้านเกิด']
d=word_tokenize(text,engine='pylexto') # ['ผม', 'รัก', 'คุณ', 'นะ', 'ครับ', 'โอเค', 'บ่', 'พวกเรา', 'เป็น', 'คนไทย', 'รัก', 'ภาษาไทย', 'ภาษา', 'บ้านเกิด']
e=word_tokenize(text,engine='newmm') # ['ผม', 'รัก', 'คุณ', 'นะ', 'ครับ', 'โอเค', 'บ่', 'พวกเรา', 'เป็น', 'คนไทย', 'รัก', 'ภาษาไทย', 'ภาษา', 'บ้านเกิด']
g=word_tokenize(text,engine='wordcutpy') # ['ผม', 'รัก', 'คุณ', 'นะ', 'ครับ', 'โอเค', 'บ่', 'พวกเรา', 'เป็น', 'คน', 'ไทย', 'รัก', 'ภาษา', 'ไทย', 'ภาษา', 'บ้านเกิด']
if engine == "icu":
from .pyicu import segment
elif engine == "multi_cut" or engine == "mm":
from .multi_cut import segment
elif engine == "newmm" or engine == "onecut":
from .newmm import mmcut as segment
elif engine == "longest-matching":
from .longest import segment
elif engine == "pylexto":
from .pylexto import segment
elif engine == "deepcut":
from .deepcut import segment
elif engine == "wordcutpy":
from .wordcutpy import segment
raise Exception("Error: Unknown engine: {}".format(engine))
if not whitespaces:
return [i.strip(" ") for i in segment(text) if i.strip(" ")]
return segment(text)
[docs]def dict_word_tokenize(text, custom_dict_trie, engine="newmm"):
:meth:`dict_word_tokenize` tokenizes word based on the dictionary you provide. The format has to be in trie data structure.
:param str text: the text to be tokenized
:param dict custom_dict_trie: คือ trie ที่สร้างจาก create_custom_dict_trie
:param str engine: choose between different options of engine to token (newmm, wordcutpy, mm, longest-matching)
:return: A list of words, tokenized from a text.
>>> from pythainlp.tokenize import dict_word_tokenize,create_custom_dict_trie
>>> listword=['แมว',"ดี"]
>>> data_dict=create_custom_dict_trie(listword)
>>> dict_word_tokenize("แมวดีดีแมว",data_dict)
['แมว', 'ดี', 'ดี', 'แมว']
if engine == "newmm" or engine == "onecut":
from .newmm import mmcut as segment
elif engine == "mm" or engine == "multi_cut":
from .multi_cut import segment
elif engine == "longest-matching":
from .longest import segment
elif engine == "wordcutpy":
from .wordcutpy import segment
return segment(text, custom_dict_trie.keys())
raise Exception("Error: Unknown engine: {}".format(engine))
return segment(text, custom_dict_trie)
[docs]def sent_tokenize(text, engine="whitespace+newline"):
This function does not yet automatically recognize when a sentence actually ends. Rather it helps split text where white space and a new line is found.
:param str text: the text to be tokenized
:param str engine: choose between 'whitespace' or 'whitespace+newline'
:return: a list of text, split by whitespace or new line.
if engine == "whitespace":
sentences = re.split(r' +', text, re.U)
sentences = text.split()
return sentences
[docs]def subword_tokenize(text, engine="tcc"):
:param str text: text to be tokenized
:param str engine: choosing 'tcc' uses the Thai Character Cluster rule to segment words into the smallest unique units.
:return: a list of tokenized strings.
from .tcc import tcc
return tcc(text)
[docs]def isthai(text, check_all=False):
:param str text: input string or list of strings
:param bool check_all: checks all character or not
:return: A dictionary with the first value as proportional of text that is Thai, and the second value being a tuple of all characters, along with true or false.
isthais = []
num_isthai = 0
for ch in text:
ch_val = ord(ch)
if ch_val >= 3584 and ch_val <= 3711:
num_isthai += 1
if check_all:
if check_all:
thai_percent = (num_isthai / len(text)) * 100
if check_all:
chars = list(text)
isthai_pairs = tuple(zip(chars, isthais))
data = {"thai": thai_percent, "check_all": isthai_pairs}
data = {"thai": thai_percent}
return data
def syllable_tokenize(text):
:param str text: input string to be tokenized
:return: returns list of strings of syllables
syllables = []
if text:
words = word_tokenize(text)
trie = create_custom_dict_trie(custom_dict_source=syllable_dict())
for word in words:
syllables.extend(dict_word_tokenize(text=word, custom_dict_trie=trie))
return syllables
[docs]def create_custom_dict_trie(custom_dict_source):
"""The function is used to create a custom dict trie which will be used for word_tokenize() function. For more information on the trie data structure, see: https://marisa-trie.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html
:param string/list custom_dict_source: a list of vocaburaries or a path to source file
:return: A trie created from custom dict input
if type(custom_dict_source) is str:
# Receive a file path of the custom dict to read
with codecs.open(custom_dict_source, "r", encoding="utf8") as f:
_vocabs = f.read().splitlines()
return Trie(_vocabs)
elif isinstance(custom_dict_source, (list, tuple, set)):
# Received a sequence type object of vocabs
return Trie(custom_dict_source)
raise TypeError(
"Type of custom_dict_source must be either str (path to source file) or collections"
class Tokenizer:
def __init__(self, custom_dict=None):
Initialize tokenizer object
:param str custom_dict: a file path or a list of vocaburaies to be used to create a trie (default - original lexitron)
:return: trie_dict - a dictionary in the form of trie data for tokenizing engines
if custom_dict:
if type(custom_dict) is list:
self.trie_dict = Trie(custom_dict)
elif type(custom_dict) is str:
with codecs.open(custom_dict, "r", encoding="utf8") as f:
vocabs = f.read().splitlines()
self.trie_dict = Trie(vocabs)
self.trie_dict = Trie(word_dict())
def word_tokenize(self, text, engine="newmm"):
from .newmm import mmcut as segment
return segment(text, self.trie_dict)