Thai W2P
Model Details
- Developer: Wannaphong Phatthiyaphaibun
- This report author: Wannaphong Phatthiyaphaibun
- Model date: 2020-12-29
- Model version: 0.1
- Used in PyThaiNLP version: 2.3+
- Filename:
- GitHub:
- License: CC0
- train notebook:
Intended Use
- Converter thai word to thai phoneme
- Not suitable for other language.
- Based on thai word to thai phoneme problems.
- Evaluation metrics include phoneme error rate (number error / number phonemes)
Training Data
Thai W2P (80%)
Evaluation Data
Thai W2P (20%)
Quantitative Analyses
epoch: 100
step: 100, loss: 0.03179970383644104
step: 200, loss: 0.04126007482409477
step: 300, loss: 0.01877519115805626
step: 400, loss: 0.03311225399374962
per: 0.0432
per: 0.0419
Ethical Considerations
This corpus is based on the website, such as wiktionary, Royal Institute et cetera and more. It may not be the dialect that you use in everyday life.
Caveats and Recommendations
- 1 Thai word only
Thai romanization using LSTM encoder-decoder model with attention mechanism
Model Details
- Developer: Chakri Lowphansirikul
- This report author: Wannaphong Phatthiyaphaibun
- Model date: 2019-08-11
- Model version: 0.1
- Used in PyThaiNLP version: 2.1 +
- Filename:
- GitHub:
- Train Notebook:
- LSTM Model
- Dataset:
- License: CC0
Intended Use - conversion of thai text to the Roman.
Factors - Based on known problems with thai natural Language processing.
Metrics - Evaluation metrics include precision, recall and f1-score.
Training Data Thai2Rom trainset
Evaluation Data
Thai2Rom testset
Quantitative Analyses
The model was evaluated with 3 metrics including F1-score, Exact match, Exact match at character level on the validation set (20% of the dataset or 129,642 examples).
- F1 (macro-average): 0.987
- Exact match: 0.883
- Exact match (Character-level): 0.949
Ethical Considerations
no ideas
Caveats and Recommendations
- Thai text only
Thai G2P
Thai Grapheme-to-Phoneme (Thai G2P) based on Deep Learning (Seq2Seq model)
Model Details
- Developer: Wannaphong Phatthiyaphaibun
- This report author: Wannaphong Phatthiyaphaibun
- Model date: 2020-08-20
- Model version: 0.1
- Used in PyThaiNLP version: 2.2+
- Filename:
- Pull request GitHub:
- GitHub:
- Train notebook:
- Dataset: wiktionary-11-2-2020.tsv
- Seq2Seq model
- License: CC0
Intended Use
Grapheme-to-Phoneme conversion tool.
- Based on thai grapheme-to-phoneme conversion problems.
Training Data
wiktionary trainset
Evaluation Data
wiktionary testset
Quantitative Analyses
F1 (macro-average) = 0.9415941561267093
EM = 0.71
EM (Character-level) = 0.8660247630539959
save best model em score=0.71 at epoch=1148
Save model at epoch 1148
Epoch: 1149 | Time: 2m 55s
Train Loss: 0.352 | Train PPL: 1.422
Val. Loss: 0.512 | Val. PPL: 1.669
epoch=1149, teacher_forcing_ratio=0.4
Ethical Considerations
This model is based on the Thai wiktionary Dump (include bias from Thai wiktionary).
Caveats and Recommendations
- 1 Thai word only